
Corner of Webb and Main Streets through the Years

The Boyden Legion erected an Honor Roll to honor the men who were fighting for our country. (Photo/ Diamond Jubilee 1889-1964) After the Honor Roll was taken down, the Co-op Gas Station was built. This is the picture of the Co-op Station in 1958. (Photo/Boyden Iowa’s...

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Hull Jaycees and Wildrose Jaycees

The Hull Scouting program, which includes Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, received some recreational equipment from the Hull Jaycees in 1985. Behind the canoe in the photo are Darren Stueven, Mike Bryson, Jaycees President Larry Van Ginkel, Scout leader Wes Overman and...

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An Expansion Proposal

Shane D. Johnson | Editor Hull Christian School board members recently discussed and passed a new proposal on an expansion project that will take place in the future. While there is no projected date of beginning the project, Hull Christian administrator Randy Ten Pas...

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Hull’s American State Bank to celebrate 20 years

20 YEARS OF HULL’S AMERICAN STATE BANK Pictured is the ribbon-cutting ceremony that took place May 23, 2007. American State Bank is now celebrating 20 years in Hull with various events taking place from Monday, Aug. 19-Friday Aug. 23. (Photo/Submitted) Shane D....

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A woodcutting hobby on display

ENJOYING A WOODBURNING HOBBY Pictured is Brad Kats outside his home in Hull standing beside the fruit of his labor in the number of hours, work and preparation it takes to source, cut, split and dry his wood used for his woodburning stove installed in November 2023....

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From Kuyper to Sheridan to Boyden

Porter J. Webb was the founder of the town of Boyden. (Photo/Diamond Jubilee) The original Webb farmhouse was used as a hotel until the Boyden Hotel was built on Main Street. (Photo/Diamond Jubilee) The Boyden Hotel was the first business on Main Street. (Photo/Boyden...

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Hull Christian’s Float in 1998

Blast from the Past Julie Bosma | Editorial Assistant Hull Christian School’s float in the 1998 SummerFest Parade was an ark full of animals under a rainbow.

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Craig’s County Comments

Sioux County Board of Supervisors’ Report Craig Hoftyzer | Contributor, Sioux County Board of Supervisors, 5th District Supervisor Report for August 6, 2024Pests come in many varying shapes and sizes. I’ve written recently how the mosquitoes were so bad. Thankfully...

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Giving space to process grief

Danielle Raveling Therapist with Rising Hope Counseling in Rock Rapids Rising Hope Counseling offers services in Rock Rapids Dominique Kooiker | Editor Processing grief can be one of the most difficult experiences in one’s life, but Danielle Raveling of Rising Hope...

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Assisting in a time of grief

Supporting our grieving community members Since 1956, Porter Funeral Home is Inwood has been supporting members of the community through the grieving and funeral processes. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Tristan Taylor | Editor The loss of a loved one is an...

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Walking clients through life’s tough decisions

Shane D. Johnson | Editor Philip De Koster of De Koster and De Koster Law of Hull knows first-hand how best to navigate opening up the discussion on end-of-life estate planning with the clients he sees on a daily basis.“One of the first steps we would take is to...

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Earning a hole-in-one at Rolling Hills

FIRST HOLE-IN-ONE AT ROLLING HILLS Paul De Leeuw is pictured next to the flag on Hole 8 at Rolling Hills Country Club. De Leeuw earned his first hole-in-one with the shot being made July 23 at 11:30 in the morning. He earned the coveted hole-in-one shooting with a 5...

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Saving lives: A task that crosses county lines

Shane D. Johnson | Editor The Sioux County Sheriff’s Office is tasked with the duty of saving lives on a daily basis. This responsibility sometimes takes the form of protecting those most vulnerable — those who wander and get lost for a variety of reasons. Beginning...

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Making Ice Cream at the Library

Hannah Kroese, Olivia Kroese, Tinley Kroese and Beckham Kroese taste their ice cream at the end of a Siouxland Ag in the Classroom event at the Hull Public Library Wednesday, July 31. (RIGHT) Sidney Riemenschneider read the book “Tales of the Dairy Godmother – Chuck’s...

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New Park Signs

Westside Park Hubbling Park Eastside Park Julie Bosma |Editorial Assistant The parks in Hull recently received new signs. Blake Eichmann, parks and recreation director, worked with Dusty Bliek of Bliek’s Custom Fab to design the signs. The plan is to add landscaping...

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Standing Tall

Take a drive around any of the flood-affected areas and you will see differences; you will see change. This is to be expected after an event like this happens in communities, cities and rural areas. If one visits the countryside after the flood, one could see many...

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Painting Red’s Lounge

Julie Bosma | Editorial Assistant Red Reimers, owner of Red’s Lounge in Boyden, takes the paint brush and freshens up the building in June 1985. (Photo/Sioux County Index Archives)

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