Front Page News

New faculty set to help fulfill Western Christian’s mission

2021-2022 school year welcomes six new staff members Shane D. Johnson | Staff Writer The 2021-22 school year at Western Christian High School in Hull will welcome some new faces onto the staff roster to help fulfill the school’s mission statement “to provide...

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Efficiency and opportunity for B & B Gates and Supply

NEW SPACE, NEW WAYS TO SERVE CUSTOMERS Patty and Barry Pollema stand in the new Farm Supply Store that was added to B & B Gates with the company’s relocation to the former AgriVision location outside of Doon and just off Highway 75. (Photo/Jessica Jensen)...

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Protestant Christian Reformed School adds gym, commons area

EXPANSION INCLUDES ROOM TO MOVE New facilities at Protestant Christian Reformed School in Hull offer an expansive gym area for students to enjoy and practice their sports with space to move about.  (Photo/Shane D. Johnson) New school year means big changes for the...

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Hull Christian School welcomes new teachers

SCHOOL YEAR BRINGS NEW STAFF Jenelle VanDer Zwaag, Faith Bierma, Alex Van Der Wilt, Jenna Roghair and Sydney Durbin are welcomed to the staff roster of Hull Christian School in Hull. (Photo/Shane D. Johnson) 2021 school year also brings second-highest attendance Shane...

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Decennial census data released

State’s population sees nearly 5 percent increase Shane D. Johnson | Staff Writer The U.S. Census Bureau has released 2020 census statistics for Iowa and its counties and cities. The information is accurate as of April 1, 2020.  The census provides data on...

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Storied tractors take ride through countryside

COMMANDING THE DIESEL James Ver Dorn’s 1965 Farmall 1206 Diesel Turbo tractor was driven by Jim Koele, Hull American Legion commander, during the Western Christian FFA tractor ride Saturday, Aug. 7. (Photo/Shane D. Johnson) Shane D. Johnson | Staff Writer The annual...

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Kids’ Club to begin again as new school year approaches

READY TO LEAD KIDS’ CLUB Pictured in the front row, left to right are Kids’ Club co-directors Elaine Boogerd and Sylvia Eekhoff. Pictured in the back row, left to right are co-president Ruth Moss, vice-president Pastor Aaron Deutsch, and co-president Julie Kreun....

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Aspen Heights Chamber Coffee celebrates 10 years of service

MADE-TO-ORDER OMELETS Chef Jacob Formaro has been serving residents of the Aspen Height Retirement facility three years.  As chef, he offered made-to-order omelets for the Chamber Coffee event with sausages and potatoes as sides.  Here, he gets ready to serve Ed...

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Refurbishing Memories

A STEP BACK IN TIME Arlan Bonestroo stands beside his original 1955 Chevy underneath the canopy of his newly-renovated “Standard Station.”  The structure was renovated as a model of the former Bonestroo Station in Hull on the corner of Main Street and Highway...

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Hull City Council addresses water concerns

Shane D. Johnson | Staff Writer Hull residents expressed their concerns with potential plans for water retention and future development during the Hull City Council meeting July 26.  Eric Bleeker, Doyle Wissink and Marianne Bleeker addressed the group pertaining...

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New business, old roots in community

Humble Beginnings, Big Future Plans Left: Jordan Van Schepen and her family stand in front of the Honeyhomb Market antique vendor that began in 2016.  After these humble beginnings, Van Schepen’s dream of owning her own shop have come to fruition after the acquisition...

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Relating to people where they are

NEW PASTOR FOR FIRST REFORMED CHURCH Pastor Adam Van Der Stoep will be installed as the new pastor at First Reformed Church of Hull Aug. 1. He is pictured with his wife, Shaelee. (Photo/Submitted) Pastor Van Der Stoep begins service to First Reformed Church...

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Collecting toys and memories

A SMALL FRACTION OF 20-YEAR COLLECTION Ron Hoksbergen stands in front of the Hull Library’s display of his collection of model farm equipment, gasoline pumps and fire trucks.  The display is only a fraction of a collection he has been building over 20 years.  The...

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Local veteran raises flag at Minnesota Twins baseball game

SPECIAL HONOR  Veteran Ike Uittenbogaard was recognized by the Minnesota Twins June 24, 2021 with the honor of raising the American Flag with the help of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Uittenbogaard was an Army soldier in the Vietnam War with...

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Home on Main and The Grain House begin renovations

New Businesses, New Beginnings Owners Faye De Kam (left), Amy Emerick (center), and Mandy Hoekstra (right), stand in the doorway of their newly-purchased building.  The structure will house both Home on Main and The Grain House and will have a communal space in the...

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Making memories happen at Hull Summerfest

Shane D. Johnson | Staff Writer When Hull Summerfest 2021 kicks off Wednesday, July 7, there will be no shortage of activities for community members and visitors to take part in through Saturday, July 10.  Events planned for Wednesday include the farmers’ market...

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Summer theater production in SummerFest lineup of activities

READY FOR THE SHOW Director Cindy Moeller (left) directs the actors for Summerfest’s “Doo-Wop Wed Widing Hood” performance.  Front (left to right): Madisyn DeJong, Aubree Boender, Samantha Gaul.  Back (left to right): Aalijah Moss, Brady Teunissen, Andrew Kaufman,...

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Chamber director ending tenure, planning new Hull business

After directing Chamber efforts three years, Faye De Kam is moving on from position Shane D. Johnson | Staff Writer Faye De Kam began her time as Chamber director in February 2018.  She takes pride in starting the infamous Hogtoberfest for the Hull community fall...

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Agropur CheeseFest: Food for Funding

HERE’S THE BEEF Vern Oostra piles burgers on buns on Craig Moss’ tray.  The burgers were prepared by Oostra and Moss who both work for the Sioux County Cattlemen. (Photo/Shane D. Johnson) Shane D. Johnson | Staff Writer The 11th annual Agropur CheeseFest took place...

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