Front Page News

College elective class leads to interest in art form

Artist’s progression Elise Visscher of Hull has discovered a new talent in the form of glassblowing through classes she enrolled in at Central College. Pictured is her progress from the first semester, where she created a shot glass, to the current year’s vase...

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Four earn Boyden Community Club scholarships

Pictured left to right: Anna Godtland, Mallory Nilles, Sydney Damstra and Linsy Gonzalez. All four students earned a $250 scholarship from the Boyden Community Club Monday, May 18. (Photo/Nathan Broek) Four residents of Boyden earn $250 scholarships, pandemic changes...

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Neighborhood work of art

GROUP PROJECT Kaden Struik, Haley Struik, Summer Vis, Konner Struik and Savannah Feenstra, pictured left to right, stand above their sidewalk chalk creation after putting over three hours of work into it for neighbors to enjoy. (Photo/Submitted) Jennifer Kor | Staff...

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Familiar face reaches employment milestone

ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Darlene Woelber was treated to a surprise anniversary party at The Foreign Candy Company, recognizing her 35 years of being with the company. (Photo/Jennifer Kor) Jennifer Kor | Staff Writer Since May 22, 1985, Darlene Woelber has clocked into...

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Brightening days, spreading cheer

Jennifer Kor | Staff Writer Walking down the streets of Hull, residents may notice brightly-colored rocks hidden in flower beds, on windowsills and in other public places. The rocks are meant to brighten the finder’s day and to be re-hidden to spread more cheer. ...

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One for the memory books

CAUSE FOR CELEBRATIONMicah Ochsendorf celebrated his sixth and golden birthday Wednesday, May 6 while social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite not having a typical birthday party, Micah and his family celebrated the occasion in other ways. Jennifer Kor...

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Running virtually

Family and friends congratulate Kreun Audrey Kreun gets a trophy and a poster from family and friends after completing a virtual half-marathon this past March. Kreun competed in the event after a real half-marathon originally organized by the University of Nebraska...

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Aftermath comes after school

MAKING THE OLD NEW Reusing old materials, such as tin ceiling tiles, for new projects is one of Sara Friedrichsen’s favorite things to do when she’s not teaching math classes. She has a workshop set up in her Boyden home. (Photo/Submitted) Jeanne Visser | Staff Writer...

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Sewing to save

ENGAGING BY SEWING Volunteers from throughout the area have been busy sewing fabric face masks for Avera’s Faith and Community Engage program to help provide the personal protective equipment to healthcare workers across Avera’s facilities during the coronavirus...

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When you’re on your own, we are there with you.

As the United States faces the worst public health crisis in a generation, we want you to know we are here for you — and with you. Whatever happens, whenever it happens, your newspaper will be there for you. We’ll be there to let you know how our community is managing...

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Keeping up with the demand

Wiped out Empty shelves at Hull Food Center took storeowners by surprise Tuesday, March 17 as many of their supplies were nearly wiped out. They have been busy trying to get supplies reordered and back on shelves to serve customers. (Photo/June De Wit) June De Wit |...

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Feeding kids through coronavirus closures

grab-and-go meals Boyden-Hull school employees Sue Boone, Tom Kerr and Crystal Nibbelink handed out meals of lunch and breakfast to kids in Hull Monday in the parking lot west of Hesla Field.  The school prepared 600 lunch and 390 breakfast “to go” meals for anyone...

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Census: Make it count

June De Wit | Staff Writer Between March 12 and 20, every home in the country will receive a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau. Local and state leaders remind citizens it’s not junk and not to throw it away. Instead it’s important to read the letter, which explains...

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Coronavirus pandemic keeps Comet basketball fans home

Small cheering section Fans who were a part of the small cheering section at the state basketball championship game do their best to loudly cheer on the Boyden-Hull Comets basketball team. The number of those able to attend the game was restricted by the Iowa High...

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Hull Co-op marks successful 2019

MORE GROWTH AHEAD This spring, Hull Co-op plans to add a third 575,000-bushel grain bin to its facility north of Highway 18. (Photo/Jeanne Visser)  Jeanne Visser | Staff Writer Hull Co-op planned to share good news with its members at the organization’s annual meeting...

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Hull council approves budget, saves money

Jeanne Visser | Staff Writer After a public hearing for the fiscal year 2020/21 budget, the Hull City Council passed a resolution to approve the city’s proposed budget last week. Next year’s property tax levy will be $12.36, which is slightly higher than last year but...

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Woodworking with patriotic theme

Wooden Flags Jim Keizer, a Vietnam war veteran and recent Honor Flight veteran, and his wife, Vell, work together to make wooden flags. The couple donates many of the flags but the items can also be purchased. It’s a hobby they both enjoy as they’re very patriotic....

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Fabricating pride

SKILLED INSTRUCTION Brent Fedders, industrial arts instructor at Boyden-Hull High School, assists students in the metal technology and fabrication class. Students recently used their welding skills to create metal stands for supplies in the new industrial arts area at...

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Hull citizens recognized

Award Recipients Several Hull Citizens were recognized at a luncheon Monday, Feb. 10. The following received awards: (Front row, left to right) Mackelle Grevengoed, Western Christian scholarship recipient; Emma Franken, Boyden-Hull scholarship recipient; Marty...

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Students chosen to participate in Honor Orchestra

Anna Godtland Anna Godtland, a senior at Boyden-Hull High School, plays the trombone. Belle Schiermeyer Belle Schiermeyer, a sophomore at Trinity Christian High School, plays the violin. Emilee Heynen Emilee Heynen, a junior at Western Christian, plays the violin....

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